Enigma #1

It always seems that science eliminates the need for God, yet even Albert Einstein was a Christian. For a long time, I found this difficult to reconcile with my firm basis in mathematics and the sciences but it turns out that such a matter is simply resolved.


When we look at the Bible we note that God is always the instigator of change. In Genesis, we see that God created the universe in six days and that he parted the Red Sea so that the Israelites could escape Egypt and so on, but none of these describe how things were achieved.The same applies to Jesus’s miracle. The Bible tells us that he turned the water into wine at the wedding feast. And he raised Lazarus from the dead. Even walked on water but none of these tell us how such things were achieved!


This is where science enters the discussion. The role of science is to explain how the world works. It endeavours to explain how things come into existence. This is the crux of the Article.


God tells us who did things and science tells us how They were achieved, hence there is no conflict between the concepts of God and science; they are not mutually exclusive and can exist together quite happily even though science has not explained the miracles, it may do so in future!

So God versus’s science: no contest.




The age of ignorance!

Today, we are free to ask a question, or request clarification of anything. We do not have to accept anything blindly. This was not always so. Until the time of Galileo the Church of Rome decided all major questions. Any attempt to disagree was heresy. People were tried in court for this crime and the guilty were usually burned at the stake.

Galileo published a major paper which said that the universe was heliocentric rather than geocentric. This brought him into conflict with the Church and he was tried by the Inquisition. The prosecutor clad that “there was insufficient evidence to justify moving away from a paradyne that had  existed for over 1000 years Especially as it was based on new technology (the telescope which Galileo had invented).

This is the same argument used by scientiss today and represents the first chink in the armour of the Roman Church, though it was not until the end of the 19th century that people truly free to ask questions.

Today,  we assume things are true because we are told so. The Roman Church still Beliefs that the Pope is  infallible when speaking on ecclesiastical matters.


When will we actually enter The Age Of Ignorance.